InterNaciones 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Dr. Lourdes M. Arce Rodríguez Open Journal Systems <div>International Relations are in a constant process of growth and complexity. The University of Guadalajara, as an institution that considers research and dissemination as substantive functions, aims to contribute to the analysis of international reality and promote the dissemination of frontier studies that allow discussion from the immense diversity of epistemological approaches that the global development has led.</div> <div>This Journal brings together a group of renowned researchers, experts in different areas of International Studies, who have fostered the synergy between various paradigms of the analysis of International Relations, to promote an open and balanced editorial creation. The InterNaciones Journal is a biannual periodical publication that offers an academic view of international events, whose mission is to widely disseminate academic work, advances and research results, as well as contribute to the debate of related and/or specialized theories and methodologies in International Relations. The body of the InterNaciones journal is open to analysis and theoretical reflection, to the reading and critical review of the specialized bibliography on international relations, sections of the Journal that allow a wide range of participation possibilities for anyone interested in the International Studies and related disciplines.</div> <div>The InterNaciones Journal is open to receive contributions from professors, academics, researchers, and professionals of International Relations and Studies and related disciplines, who contribute to the dissemination of proposals, analysis, reflections, or experiences committed to the expansion, understanding, and improvement of these fields of knowledge.</div> <div>Likewise, InterNaciones seeks to participate in the network of experts and interested parties in international affairs, therefore it constitutes a means of interrelation between researchers and actors from the different spheres of international action. InterNaciones welcomes the diversity of contributions that in the matter provide a better, exhaustive, and broader vision of the international.</div> The crisis of the neoliberal model of the European Union through the cases of France and Spain, after the Pandemic and in the face of the war in Ukraine 2024-01-19T17:21:19-06:00 Boris Differ Jakes Iñarra <p>The health contingency 2020-2023 was a shock for the world economy and for the stability of States and their alliances. European countries have faced the management of the pandemic totally conditioned by the last decades of neoliberal social and economic paradigm, although governments and international institutions have promoted interventionist policies in the economy, neo-Keynesian. It has also been a period during which appeals to society have appeared again. Moreover, the war in Ukraine has had consequences in Europe, such as economic sanctions against Russia, problems related to fundamental freedoms (specifically press freedom) and the influence of us interests on European diplomacy.</p> <p>This article proposes to contrast the current sociopolitical reality of the European Union with the management capacities shown during the pandemic. For this we will deal specifically with the cases of Spain and France, neighboring countries, which can show the general trends with their more concrete edges. Data from national statistical institutes such as INSEE in the case of France are used to analyze the situation in both countries. In the end the article led to question the viability of the European Union and emphasize the failure of policies promoted by the European Commission that follow a neoliberal framework despite the inevitable intervention of the State in the economy in the pandemic context, post pandemic, and now war in Ukraine.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara The Russo-Ukrainian conflict over the Donbass and the world order crisis 2024-01-31T18:40:46-06:00 Daniela Paulina Iñiguez Vargas <p>This article aims to show how the Russo-Ukrainian conflict over the Donbass has been carried out, focusing on the events that began in February 2022, taking into consideration that the problem has its roots in the 2014 coup d’état against Viktor Yanukovych. The point is that the current political and military crisis is attributed to Russia, when the collective West laid the foundations and today feeds the war machine by preventing Kiev from choosing to enter peace negotiations with Moscow, which shows that the battlefield is defining the foundations of a new world order and a multi-polar world.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara Islamic Economy: An Alternative to Development in the Face of the Global Crisis? 2023-12-25T12:28:56-06:00 Erman Iván Carrazco Núñez <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The “Islamic Economy” is presented as an alternative model for development model in the face of the global crisis. It is a proposal from the Islamic World made from integration into the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) that tries to provide viable forms of economic progress without neglecting the cultural, social and individual aspect from an indigenous perspective that breaks with the schemes of the classical or “western” economy that has implemented an expansive capitalist production system that has had variations over time until leading to a global crisis, making it necessary to review&nbsp; differentiated ways of dealing with it. There is a theoretical-normative approach and an implementation that has had results and has been presented as an option.</span></p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara Factors Fueling Heightened Catalan Nationalism and its Immediate Electoral Consequences: An Examination of Socio-Economic and Federalist Influences. 2024-01-31T18:34:23-06:00 Elliot Goodell Ugalde <p>This essay analyzes the recent surge of Catalan nationalism and its electoral effects, focusing on socio-economic and federalist factors. Traditionally marginal, Catalan secessionism has gained traction, defying the trend of increasing socio-political integration with Spain. The study investigates the revival of secessionist sentiment after 2012 and its impact on Spanish politics. Key findings suggest the rise in separatism is driven by dissatisfaction with Spain’s federal fiscal policies and fears of Spanish federalism, especially following reforms limiting Catalan self-governance. Additionally, the economic dimension, particularly the 2008 recession and fiscal imbalances, has intensified separatist inclinations. This escalation in nationalism has profound implications for Spanish politics, leading to economic consequences and strategic shifts in federal party responses to separatist demands. The essay concludes that Catalan nationalism’s growth reflects a complex interaction of socio economic elements, federal statutory reforms, and regional discontent, significantly altering Spanish political dynamics.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara The Milei Phenomenon: About Gaucho Paleolibertarianism 2024-01-31T18:43:13-06:00 Karla Cortes Lozano <p>Javier Milei’s candidacy emerged in the midst of a crisis of political representation with a more innovative electoral offer in form than in content defined by his ideological debts with the Austrian school of economics and the libertarianism of Murray Rothbard, but also with Menemism and the global extreme right of which it represents a sui generis variant.</p> <p>As an anarcho-capitalist economist, doctrinaire paleolibertarian and de facto minarchist, Milei is an instrumental figure who accentuated the polarization in society by revitalizing the antagonism between the individual and the State, a framework from which he would promote a shock therapy that aims for a guarded generalized commodification by a repressive state apparatus that, in practice, represents a contradictio en adieto: an illiberal libertarianism that seeks to dismantle the State by using it.</p> <p>The right-wing populist strategy adopted by Milei contrasts the limits of the democratic order with the expansion of negative freedom from an ultraneoliberal and patriarchal perspective that took advantage of the ravages of the pandemic and digital resources, to spread a discourse against caste and a radical individualism that It especially challenged young people, the self-employed and an impoverished middle class. The famous chainsaw would thus be a metaphor not only for cuts to public spending but also for the liberticidal repression that also implies a questioning of the consensus established after the fall of the dictatorship and a closure of the political cycle that began in 2001.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara From tweezers to screwdriver: The strategic partners of the European Union in Latin America and the Caribbean in a context of demographic variation 2024-01-31T18:35:00-06:00 Darlan Barbosa de Almeida <p>The Quevedo's pincer theory offers a valuable perspective for understanding the birregional relationship between Latin America, the Caribbean, and the European Union, highlighting the crucial involvement of Mexico and Brazil due to their emerging economies and growing service sectors, as well as their potential in renewable energy and sustainable agricultural technology. Existing cooperation projects exemplify how this relationship can contribute to sustainable development in both regions, and the consideration of demographic factors, along with the presence of new actors such as China and civil society, adds complexity to the challenge of achieving effective cooperation. Adapting cooperation modalities while considering the effectiveness and diplomatic role of these new actors could be key to the future of the relationship between the regions.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara The Temporary Agricultural Worker Program between Mexico and Canada, 50th Anniversary 2024-01-31T14:38:12-06:00 Denisse de Font- Réaulx Rojas <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Fifty uninterrupted years of maintaining a program is recognized as a great binational effort.&nbsp; From 1974 to 2023, nearly half a million people have participated in the Mexico-Canada Temporary Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP), with Canadian farmers requiring labor, and Mexican workers wanting better opportunities. This article provides an overview of the Programme over five decades, to be held in 2024, with the aim of understanding its magnitude and scope, exposing its background; These figures show the importance it has acquired over time, the main problems and the importance of both governments for the programme to endure over time and administrative changes, which often put policies and programmes such as this one into play.</span></p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 University of Guadalajara