Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The contribution is original, unpublished and unedited
- The collaboration is related to the thematic axis of international studies and/or related disciplines in any of their fields, aspects and levels.
- The contribution has been written in digital format (Word processor, Times New Roman 12 points font, and double spaced).
- On the first page, the title of the article appears in capital letters followed by the full name of the author, the institution to which it is attached, and the appointment it has there, including the corresponding department, institute, faculty or school, and the country where it is located the institution of affiliation. Include the author's email and ORCID number. (the use of acronyms or abbreviations is not considered valid). In the case of co-authorship, the data is added for each author.
- The text includes an abstract of no more than 150 words, in which the objective and the results obtained are explained.
- The text includes five keywords.
- The title of the article, the abstract and the five keywords are translated into Spanish and English.
- Subtitles appear in italics.
- The explanatory or clarifying notes are at the bottom of the page, referenced numerically.
- Graphics (maps, illustrations, figures) are included in the article, correctly numbered, with title and source. They must be sent individually in .jpg or .tiff format with a minimum of 300 dpi.
- The bibliography appears at the end of the text and only includes the cited works.
- The extension of the contribution is: Article: up to 35 pages; Review: up to 15 pages.
- The research is original and in strict adherence to copyright; To ensure this, the author must send, together with the manuscript, the signed and scanned copy of the Declaration of unpublished material. By signing this document, the author undertakes not to simultaneously submit his work in other publications.
- The letter of assignment of rights must be sent digitalized together with the Manuscript.
- The author/s is/are the one/s has/have the corresponding authorization of any illustration or figure used in the manuscript in case they come from other authors or sources of information.
- The work is an original result of significant scientific investigations for the area/s of Study.
- Original research articles of an update or theoretical discussion about topics of interest in the academic area. Minimum length of 6000 words and maximum of 9000.
- Essays or reports published in the academic area by institutions, organizations or congresses, or on recently published books that are linked to each other by a common theme. Maximum length of 5000 words.
- Bibliographic reviews of a single recently published book or of documents of interest to the academic area. Maximum length of 2000 words or minimum of 1300.
The Essays or Reports section includes those products published in the area by institutions, organizations or conferences, or recently published books that are linked to each other by a common theme. The maximum length for this section is 5000 words.
This section includes manuscripts that are grouped under a similar theme in a special issue, whose contents are closely related and are specifically dedicated to a current topic proposed by the Editorial Committee.
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