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Is there still a place for local development in the cooperation between the European Union and Latin America and Caribbean?


  • Alessandro Pinelli University of Guadalajara



Development cooperation, local development, decentralized cooperation, sustainable development, territory


The development cooperation between the European Union and Latin America and Caribbean is facing a period of structural crisis that casts doubt on its effectiveness. In  order  to  stand  against  the  challenges  imposed  by  globalization  and  participate  in  the  pursuit  of  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals,  the  approach  to  local development and decentralized cooperation may represent efficient responses, because they would be able to adapt to the heterogeneity that characterizes each territory of the Latin region. However, local development is considered by the organisms of the European Union as an end more than a mean for the aims of eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable economic and social development, perpetuating vertical and paternalistic policies that can hardly solve every problem. In contrast, the perspective of decentralized cooperation involving all local actors in both regions seems to offer a valid alternative to international development cooperation.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Pinelli, University of Guadalajara

University of Guadalajara, University Center of Economic Administrative Sciences, Zapopan, Mexico. Master’s in international Economic Relations and Cooperation (specialized in the European Union and Latin America).


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2017-05-31 — Updated on 2021-02-19


How to Cite

Pinelli, A. (2021). Is there still a place for local development in the cooperation between the European Union and Latin America and Caribbean?. InterNaciones, (10). (Original work published May 31, 2017)


