The acquis communautaire of the European Union and its contribution to democracy in the world
European Union, Community values, democracy, collaboration, pacifismAbstract
The European Union came to constitute the political and economic expression of the old idea of an integrated Europe, peace and shared values, inherited from its culture and ancient, medieval and modern history. These values have allowed him to have lived a prolonged period of uninterrupted peace since the end of the Second World War, longer than five hundred years ago. Democracy, our origin in ancient Greece gives Europe the historical patent,the right to be bequeathed in the world. An element present in the values of the European Union that differentiates it from the United States is the way to approach the problem of democracy with the world, which is more effective and more acceptable for the countries to advance and consolidate their democracies unlike US military or economic interventionism.Downloads
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Unión Europea (s/f). Disponible en:
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