Hugo Chávez: The constituent and the reform of the venezuelan State


  • Mónica Apango Partida



Hugo Chávez, Venezuela, coup d’état, reform of the State, social polarization


Hugo Chávez after winning the election of 1998 he wanted to reform the Venezuelan State starting form a new Constitution. In 1999 he had the sup- port of the people to convene a constituent and ratify the new Constitution of Venezuela. These changes imply the discontent of the economic sector and the politicians of the bipartisanship of the previous regime. Even when Hugo Chávez decrees the 49 enabling laws in 2001, the rejection of the Venezuelan economic sector increased and in 2002 it gave him a coup d’état. This situation demonstrates the need for support and cooperation between political and economic power to achieve adequate social welfare. The conflict between Hugo Chávez and the economic sector demonstrates the inability of a government to generate economic development outside of oil revenues and an economic sector that did not contribute to improve the conditions of Venezuelan society.


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How to Cite

Apango Partida, M. (2019). Hugo Chávez: The constituent and the reform of the venezuelan State. InterNaciones, (18), 145–164.