The historical interference of order worldwide in the middle east


  • Erman Ivan Carrazco Níñez Universidad de Guadalajara/Universidad Autónoma de México



international critical theory, middle east, world order, historical interference, world hegemony


Within the discipline of International Relations, International Critical Theory has proven to be a useful theoretical-methodological resource for contempo- rary global analysis. With this approach and its conceptual tools, an analyt- cal proposal is prepared for the study of the region known as the Middle East (Western Asia) and with it develop an explanatory framework that helps us understand current processes and their evolution over time (specifically the expansion of capitalism and regional incorporation into the state system), as well as the way in which the systemic, regional and local levels are inter- related. Thus, it can be verified that when a historical structure changes, so does the World Order and the different actors in conflict. The development of this idea is the central point of the reviewed book.


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How to Cite

Carrazco Níñez, E. I. (2020). The historical interference of order worldwide in the middle east. InterNaciones, (20), 243–249.