How are women punished when they kill? A study of the argentinean criminal system


  • Martina Lassalle Universidad de Buenos Aires



Criminal System, Argentina, Murder, Women


In the United States and in Western Europe there is a big number of investigations which focus on the way in which the criminal system punishes women accused of murder. Although with nuances, these works underline that, generally speaking, the judiciary shows a paternalist attitude toward women. In Latin America, the investigations on punishment of women are certainly scarcer. This article aims to be a contribution to this field of study by offering an analysis about Argentina. In the first place, we will present a brief bibliographic review in order to systematize the most relevant investigations (and hypotheses) on the way in which the judiciary punishes women accused of these crimes, paying special attention to those works produced in Latin America and the Caribbean. Secondly, we will employ the most recent penitentiary census to analyse and compare the punishments set both for women and men condemned for murder in Argentina. This will enable us to investigate whether the defendant’s gender biases the punishments set by judges, the way in which this occurs and, therefore, if the paternalist hypothesis can be useful for contexts like the Argentinean one.


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How to Cite

Lassalle, M. (2020). How are women punished when they kill? A study of the argentinean criminal system. InterNaciones, (20), 37–60.


