Higher education services in all “modes” with the EU-Mexico FTA 2.0 and despite the covid-19


  • Edna Ramírez Robles University of Guadalajara




Cross- Border Trade in Services, Free Trade Agreement (FTA), EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Higher Education, Covid-19


This article analyses the modernization of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mexico (EU-Mexico FTA). The EU-Mexico FTA regulates the exchange of goods and many other issues (including the trade of educational services) between Mexico and the EU. This article focuses on the commitments that both parties did at the EU-Mexico FTA specifically regarding higher education services. The EU-Mexico contains principles of general application to services, commitments on specific sectors and specific reservations (exceptions to the principles) set by each of the parties to the TLCUEM: Once the EU-Mexico FTA 2.0 legal framework is clarified, it presents how covid-19 affected trade of services in higher education and also identifies areas of opportunity in this area of the FTA. This article presents specific public policy proposals for both parties to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the EU-Mexico FTA 2.0 in higher education services to get recovered from the damages caused by the covid-19 pandemic.


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Author Biography

Edna Ramírez Robles, University of Guadalajara

Associate Professor - Researcher at the University Center of the Coast (Cucosta) from the University of Guadalajara. Consultant in legal and political affairs international trade and investment. (sni, Prodep, Proesde). Mexico.


Fuentes primarias

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How to Cite

Ramírez Robles, E. (2022). Higher education services in all “modes” with the EU-Mexico FTA 2.0 and despite the covid-19. InterNaciones, (22), 37–74. https://doi.org/10.32870/in.vi22.7205


