Training in critical-reflective thinking in postgraduate courses in education in Latin America in times of covid
postgraduate education, critical thinking, reflective thinking, education 4.0Abstract
The digital transformation of the 21st century has provided new interactions, tools and opportunities for higher education, proposing to the educational system other models of education that make it possible to level the accessibility and inclusion gaps and guarantee the right to quality education. One of the models is training in critical-reflective thinking due to the benefits in training for citizenship and professional practice in accordance with the globalized world; However, in Latin America there are weaknesses in the coverage and quality of postgraduate education, which adds to the regional difficulties due to the technological capacity installed to benefit from the benefits of digital transformation. This situation motivated the authors to analyze the postgraduate education model in critical-reflective thinking in times of covid-`19, compared to the capacities and opportunities of the region, observed from the training of teachers and students.Downloads
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