Challenges for Global Governance of a Fragmented and Transitioning Energy Sector


  • Juan Manuel Jiménez Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas. Universidad de Guadalajara



global governance, energy, challenges, failures, transition


The energy sector poses innumerable collective action problems that cannot be solved by States acting alone. Addressing these trans-boundary problems requires some form of governance on a scale beyond the nation-state. How-ever, as time goes by, both States and international institutions have been overtaken by the energy issue and the current environmental situation. This paper addresses and analyzes the main challenges of a fragmented energy governance where the interests of nations continue to prevail over the col-lective good. The first section presents some concepts and references to understand the complexity of governance and its importance in international politics. The second section analyzes which are the main actors involved in and/directing current global energy governance. This is followed by an analysis of the correlation between the energy issue and climate change, and the response of both to the need for a transition. In the fourth part, the COP 26 Meeting is taken as an analogous example of the failures in energy governance and policy coordination on this issue. And finally, the conclusions.


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How to Cite

Jiménez, J. M. (2023). Challenges for Global Governance of a Fragmented and Transitioning Energy Sector. InterNaciones, (24), 55–78.


