Environmental and Social Impacts of Agricultural Biodiversity Degradation from the Ultra-Processed Food Industry


  • Joseph Allen Moreno Thompson Universidad de Guadalajara




Agrobiodiversity, soil degradation, monocropping, big food, food policy, ultra-processed foods, health


This article analyzes the known environmental and social impacts caused by the degradation of agricultural biodiversity from practices by the “Big Food” and agro-industry associated with ultra-processed foods. Agricultural Biodiversity degradation along with the loss of soil fertility,  marine pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases are direct consequences of the spread of industrial farming.  It intends to give a comprehensive analysis showing how each part of the ecosystem is negatively affected along with human health; through practices of monocropping, financialization of food systems and heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides.  It takes a look at the role governments and actors in international policy-making play in being a determinant of power for the spread of ultra-processed foods and the growth of “Big Food”, agro-corporations and monoculture farming. It looks at social factors such as health, agroindustry policy and global food agendas in regard to the environment and our food system.


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How to Cite

Moreno Thompson, J. A. (2023). Environmental and Social Impacts of Agricultural Biodiversity Degradation from the Ultra-Processed Food Industry. InterNaciones, (24), 141–164. https://doi.org/10.32870/in.vi24.7235


