Who governs garbage and recycling?





recycling, governance, waste management, landfills, pollution


Recycling is one of the alternatives to reduce the environmental impact of the culture of “using and throwing away” that has prevailed to this day; at the global level, various strategies have been implemented for waste management and the reduction of single-use products and the reintegration of raw materials into the value chain, this, the collaboration between the citizens, the state industry achieve optimal results in this area. For its part, Mexico has managed to have positive numbers in terms of industrial recycling, however, in reference to all urban solid waste, that is, all garbage, its number is barely 9.6% and depends mostly on people who work in landfills for their own initiative. In this paper I argued about how the state transfer the responsibility for pollution to the privates and society instead of regulating proper waste management of the garbage disposal and recycling


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How to Cite

Chavolla Sánchez, H. (2023). Who governs garbage and recycling?. InterNaciones, (24), 209–226. https://doi.org/10.32870/in.vi24.7237


