Electoral abstentionism is not a right


  • Jesús Andrés Sandoval Gallo Centro Universitario del Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Dr. Martha University of Guadalajara




Electoral Abstentionism, Democracy, Citizen Participation, Law, Annulled Ballot


Electoral abstentionism is harmful to democratic countries, unfortunately, it is increasingly occurring. This practice is adopted, as a form of disagree-ment, however, it is not a right; therefore, the objective is to show that elec-toral abstentionism is not the most efficient option to manifest disagreement with governments nor does it have effects of change. The foregoing with a methodology where a data collection technique from a documentary source was applied mainly in cybernetic media, under the criteria of using only information with a scientific precedent and with no more than 5 years of publication. The information collected was subjected to an analysis of quali-tative results, where the content was examined in four phases, categorizing democratic and “mixed” countries; structuring those that force voting and those that do not, later contrasting them and concluding that there are more efficient citizen participation practices as means of protest.


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Author Biography

Dr. Martha, University of Guadalajara

Doctor of Law by research, from the Institute of Legal Studies, Master in Civil and Financial Law, from the University of Guadalajara, Bachelor of Laws, from the University of Guadalajara, member of the Program for Professional Teaching Development (Prodep). Research activity on violence, Full-time research professor, attached to the Department of Legal Studies, Member of the academic body "Teaching and Research of violence, Justice System, Peacebuilding and Human Development", member of the Citizen Observatory of Culture, of legality and peace


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How to Cite

Sandoval Gallo, J. A., & García Rodriguez, M. P. . (2023). Electoral abstentionism is not a right. InterNaciones, (25), 191–211. https://doi.org/10.32870/in.vi25.7254