Analysis of the cultural diplomacy of the city of Hiroshima, Japan.

Towards a cultural diplomacy of peace.


  • Omar Cornejo Caldera Universidad de Guadalajara



Peace studies, Cultural diplomacy, Paradiplomacy, Nuclear disarmament, Non-traditional actors


This article will study the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, and in parallel Nagasaki, in their journey to create a paradiplomacy focused on nuclear disarmament. The objectives are to study the cultural diplomacy created by the Japanese cities promoting disarmament among the International Community, through the analysis of the diplomatic actions of these substate actors, demonstrating the results focusing on international nuclear disarmament.The relevance of this work is towards the introduction of the concepts and methodologies of Peace investigations (PI) and its comments around the traditional theories of international relations, taking as an example two cities that have based their public policies on the work for peace and nuclear disarmament. Therefore, this article deals with the implications of the paradiplomacy of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in nuclear disarmament strategies at the international level, taking into account the participation of cities as international actors.


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How to Cite

Cornejo Caldera, O. (2023). Analysis of the cultural diplomacy of the city of Hiroshima, Japan.: Towards a cultural diplomacy of peace. InterNaciones, (25), 11–30.