Social reintegration as the purpose of the system international penitentiary and its influence in Mexico


  • Luis Eduardo Ramírez Navarro Universidad de Guadalajara Centro Universitario del Sur
  • Axel Francisco Orozco Torres Universidad de Guadalajara



social reinsertion, persons private of freedom, penitentiary system, human rights, Mandela rules


The evolution of the concept of the penitentiary system is analyzed and how international criteria have impacted the Mexican legal system. It interprets the provisions of national and international legal instruments to clarify the purpose of custodial sentences and how the standardization of law has led to changes in the Mexican legal system in order to guarantee the respect and enjoyment of the human rights recognized both in the Federal Constitution and in the international legal instruments to which Mexico is a part of. The importance of the proper administration of the penitentiary system for the successful social reintegration of those persons who obtain their freedom and seek to reintegrate into society based on job training, access to various services such as education, health and sports that are provided by the Mexican State is analyzed.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Navarro, L. E., & Orozco Torres, A. F. (2024). Social reintegration as the purpose of the system international penitentiary and its influence in Mexico. InterNaciones, (26), 181–204.


