Latin American democracies: decades of change, consolidation and decline
democracy, Latin America, democratization, Interamerican Democratic Charter, consolidationAbstract
Latin America has maintained relative stability in its democratic institutional processes, and the region has established various international commitments focused on strengthening democracy. One of them was the adoption of the Interamerican Democratic Charter (IDC), which a little more than two decades after its signing, the question remains: what has happened in Latin American democracies? To provide an answer, the research aims to evaluate the development of democracy in Latin America in relation to the principles enunciated by the IDC. To this end, the descriptive research presents a quantitative and multidimensional methodological design with which it is possible to identify the evolution and current state of Latin American democracies. With this, a vision of democracy at the regional level is obtained, which allows a classification of the types of Latin American democracies and identifies the challenges still to be faced.Downloads
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