Digital preservation and storage policies

PKP Preservation Network (PN)

The PKP Preservation Network provides free preservation services for any OJS journal that meets the basic criteria.

Therefore, the LOCKSS system is used here to generate a distributed archive among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for digital preservation and restoration purposes.


As part of the digital preservation and restoration policies for the resources contained in InterNaciones Magazine, the plugin called Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) is enabled within the OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEM (OJS) platform.

Having the LOCKSS system guarantees permanent and secure file storage. It should be noted that LOCKSS is an open source program that has been developed by the Stanford University Library, allowing libraries the ability to curate selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect new published content and archive it. Each file is continually validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself.

In this sense, the LOCKSS plugin stores and distributes journal content to collaborating libraries through a LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto page.


InterNaciones Magazine, through Crossref, assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​to published articles.