Transformation and Crisis: The Mexican State from the 1982 Debt Crisis


  • Victor Manuel Olea Contreras Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO)



Debt Crisis, Mexican State, Competition State, Narration, Neoliberalism


The present article has as its main objective to analyze the transformation that the Mexican state suffered during the 1980 decade, derived from de 1982 debt crisis. Taking in consideration that in order to understand the present context is necessary to create an historic narrative that enable us to link this phenomenon with its genesis, which is denominated as the retreat of state or the transformation of the Welfare State, the article seeks to show the events that allowed this to happen and, then, to think about the present situation. In order to do this, we take in consideration two main theoretical approaches, the vision of the transformation of the State of Bob Jessop and Phillip G. Cerny and Colin Hay’s narrative construction of crisis in order to exhibit that the Mexican debt crisis, permit the creation of a dominant narrative of the crisis itself allowing the Mexican ruling class to promote a new path in the trajectory of the state.


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How to Cite

Olea Contreras, V. M. (2022). Transformation and Crisis: The Mexican State from the 1982 Debt Crisis. InterNaciones, (23), 147–182.